Que la força t’acompanyi

cineQue la força t’acompanyi és un programa de ràdio sobre cine del Taller Integrat de Periodisme de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra. El van començar uns companys de classe la tardor del 2014, i a partir del novembre l’Alba Barrionuevo, la Georgina Boixereu, la Marta Castillo i jo vam ser les encarregades de continuar-lo durant tres programes més, fins que vam acabar el tram de ràdio del taller.

Com que l’objectiu era practicar, cada programa està presentat per una persona diferent. El primer, la Georgina Boixereu; el segon, la Marta Castillo; i el tercer, jo mateixa. Era la primera vegada que gravàvem un programa de ràdio, i es nota certa millora a cada episodi.

Que la força t’acompanyi 28/11/2014

Que la força t’acompanyi 16/01/2015

Que la força t’acompanyi 30/01/2015

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A contrarellotge: Jordi Dalmau a la Bridal


Vestit ‘Wella’ de Jordi Dalmau a la passarel·la de la Barcelona Bridal Fashion Week (BBFW)

Recupero el Treball de Fi de Grau que vam fer l’Alba Barrionuevo i jo. La idea era fer un programa documental de televisió sobre com es preparen grans esdeveniments, ensenyant tot el que hi ha darrere mesos de feina intensa i que el públic normalment no veu.

L’esdeveniment que vam triar pel capítol pilot va ser la Barcelona Bridal Fashion Week 2016, una setmana clau en el món de la moda nupcial. El nostre fil conductor va ser el dissenyador de vestits de núvia Jordi Dalmau, a qui vam acompanyar durant els tres mesos previs a la Bridal.

Amb tots vosaltres, A contrarellotge: Jordi Dalmau a la Bridal.

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Onions on fire: the internationalisation of ‘calçots’

Alba Barrionuevo / Clàudia C. Salellas

Valls (ACN)-. The ‘Gran Festa de la Calçotada de Valls’ – one of the most important gastronomic events in Catalonia – took place at the end of January. With more than 40,000 visitors every year, it officially marks the start of the ‘calçots’ season. Every year it attracts media and tourists from Catalonia, Spain and around the world who want to participate in the different activities which take place, such as the ‘calçots’ eating. But why is Valls the capital of ‘calçotades’? What is the correct way to cook ‘calçots’ and its sauce like a professional, and why is this event becoming so international? Continua llegint

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2015 International Circus Festival consolidates Figueres as Europe’s second circus capital

Clàudia C. Salellas

Figueres (ACN).- The Figueres International Circus Festival improves year after year. This edition broke its own record with more than 30,000 tickets sold. The festival ended last Monday and took place in the Catalan city of Figueres (near the Costa Brava and the French border), which is Salvador Dalí’s home town. The new columnless high top with a height of 15 metres allowed for extreme air acrobatics that won over the spectators. This is the reason why the two Dalí Golden Elephants, the biggest awards of the festival, went to two air shows: the North Korean National Circus of Pyongyang for its trapeze performance – they pulled off a double quadruple somersault for the first time in Spain – and to the Russian company Troupe Trushin for its acrobatic jumping show ‘Watch Dogs’.  Continua llegint

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Mitjans digitals al servei de la publicitat

De vegades, mirant alguns diaris digitals, sembla que no estigui passant res seriós al món. Tantes guerres, tantes conspiracions polítiques i empresarials, tanta desigualtat social… i, en canvi, tan poques coses noves a dir. Tot això, malauradament, acaba passant a un segon pla (perquè se suposa que ja estem acostumats a guerres, a complots i injustícies i això fa que no vulguem llegir més sobre aquests temes?), i dic malauradament perquè si els mitjans parlessin més d’aquests problemes i els donessin la importància que tenen potser ens adonaríem que vivim en un món egoista i individualista que no ens porta enlloc. Continua llegint

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4th edition of Figueres Circus Festival to break participation record

CNA / Clàudia C. Salellas

Figueres (ACN). – This year’s edition of the Figueres Circus Festival will break all records. This annual festival, which is held in the city of Figueres near to Catalonia’s Costa Brava and the French border, will feature 24 previously unseen performances in Europe by more than 80 artists from 17 different countries, thanks to the incorporation of new countries such as Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela and Uzbekistan. Another novelty is the inclusion of air performances, so the event will use a big top without columns for the first time, allowing the public to enjoy a complete view. One of the main air shows will be offered by the North Korean Pyongyang National Circus. Some 30,000 tickets have gone on sale, but some free cultural activities will be held too, such as exhibitions, talks and fairs, with the aim of bringing the circus world closer to society.
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‘Rastres de Sàndal’, ‘10,000 km’ and ‘El Niño’ win the top Gaudí Awards in a ceremony full of surprises

Amélie Martínez / Clàudia C. Salellas

Barcelona (ACN).- The thriller ‘El Niño’, directed by Daniel Monzón, was the most decorated film at last night’s Gaudí Awards with seven awards, including those for Best Supporting Actress, Best Supporting Actor, Best Original Music, Best Sound, Best Cinematography, Best Editing and Best Producer. The film ‘10,000 km’, directed by Carlos Marques-Marcet, won five awards including Best Director, Best Actress and Best Actor, outdoing the other nominees. However, Maria Ripoll’s movie ‘Rastres de Sàndal’ was chosen as Best Film in the Catalan language. This 7th edition of the Awards ceremony was also marked by complaints concerning the lack of financial aid for the cultural industry in Catalonia. Continua llegint

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Girona chemical company Roberlo buys British Chemfix

CNA / Clàudia C. Salellas

Riudellots de la Selva (ACN).– The international company Roberlo, based in the Girona Province, has acquired all of the British enterprise Chemfix, the most important purchase in the Catalan firm’s history. With this €12 million transaction, which guarantees all 75 Chemfix’s jobs, Roberlo expects to increase its profits by 30% this year, reaching €65 million. This purchase also contributes to the Catalan company’s internationalisation, because 85% of its turnover moves into foreign markets. Roberlo manufactures chemicals for repainting, repairing and fixing automobile bodywork and products for construction, industry, nautical pursuits and DIY. Continua llegint

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La Super Bowl, un esdeveniment esportiu?

La Super Bowl és possiblement l’esdeveniment esportiu anual més important i més esperat pels nord-americans. La final de la Lliga Nacional de Futbol Americà aconsegueix, any rere any, que més de cent milions d’espectadors vegin el partit per televisió, fet que mou els comentaris i les notícies sobre la final entorn de tres focus: l’esportiu, referent al desenllaç de la final; el publicitari, pels anuncis que s’emeten abans, durant i després del partit; i l’artístic, al voltant del cantant escollit per actuar a la mitja part. Continua llegint

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Paraules que ho diuen tot

Les paraules són un instrument que ens permet compondre oracions amb sentit. Als diccionaris n’hi ha tantes per triar i, en canvi, a les portades dels diaris sembla que només n’existeixin, com a màxim, una desena. Però cadascuna de les paraules d’aquesta desena pot significar coses diferents depenent de les seves companyes de frase i, evidentment, de les fotografies que les reforcen -però de les imatges ja en parlarem un altre dia, que sinó la cosa se’ns allargaria massa-. Continua llegint

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