Girona chemical company Roberlo buys British Chemfix

CNA / Clàudia C. Salellas

Riudellots de la Selva (ACN).– The international company Roberlo, based in the Girona Province, has acquired all of the British enterprise Chemfix, the most important purchase in the Catalan firm’s history. With this €12 million transaction, which guarantees all 75 Chemfix’s jobs, Roberlo expects to increase its profits by 30% this year, reaching €65 million. This purchase also contributes to the Catalan company’s internationalisation, because 85% of its turnover moves into foreign markets. Roberlo manufactures chemicals for repainting, repairing and fixing automobile bodywork and products for construction, industry, nautical pursuits and DIY.

The aim of the company based in Riudellots de la Selva (near Girona) is to be one of the top three European producers which use chemical docking, an industrial technology. By acquiring Chemfix, Roberlo strengthens its position abroad: the business has two factories in Girona, one in Brazil, one in Russia and now, one in the UK. The Catalan group has ten subsidiaries and employs 400 people, 200 of which are located abroad.

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